Today, what are you going to do with it?

I’ve said several times that we have some measure of control over what we do with our days. Some of that control is how we handle ourselves towards others, that’s a hugely important part I think. As you go about your day, you can react the way you’ve always reacted or you can choose to do something different.

Maybe how you’ve always done things is something you’re happy with. I’ll take that into the mix and then say, “Continue on as you are.” However, there could be things you want to do differently. This post says, “Take a pause and do the thing differently.” It doesn’t matter if it seems a new thing for you or out of character. If it feels right, do it.

It isn’t how you’ve always done things that is key here, but rather how do you want to grow for yourself? Another key factor in this mix is, Are you happy with how you’ve handled this day for yourself?

At some point in life, you’ve got to weigh things from all sides, then choose the side that resonates with you and your truth. It isn’t about being selfish, it’s about living in a way that honors who you are and the life you’d like to live. You become your own best cheerleader.

Go about your day with your own best interests in mind for your health, your growth, your kindness and take actions accordingly.

My Published Book on Color Messages

I haven’t been here in some time again. I’m here today due to a little nudge yesterday. So, here’s how things are going.

First, I wrote and finished my little book. I’ve only sold a handful of copies and being that it’s a specialty, I don’t expect it to ever gain a ton of interest, only a little few bits here and there. Then again, most every odd thing I do is a specialty of some sort. lol Here’s a look if you want to wander over to check it out…or maybe buy it if you’d like. It’s knowledge from an interesting little perspective.

Second, I survived the pandemic which seems to still be dragging along. There have been many things happened through this. I don’t think I’ve seen a time where more opinions have been spoken than this particular time. People made decisions about themselves and tried to tell other people why their decision is a “must”. I have to say, some of it has been devastating. I lost friends, longtime friends, because our views didn’t match and they felt there was no room for other choices.

Actually, that’s why I’m not talking to some family members even now…they didn’t leave room for other choices. Like, I don’t say the other person’s choices were wrong, but I did say my choice was fitting for me and that’s something important in my life. I can respect that something else fits someone else. I’m not out to think there’s only one way to anything…whatever that thing is. I am out to say I know my worth, my path, my beliefs and how they’re part of my truth. In respect, I want that in your path as well. No shame in that, no.

Go on and enjoy this post. It’s short, sweet, and filled with grace. I just wanted to send a “hello” out to ya’ll. I’d be happy to hear from you if you’re so inclined.

Book On Color Messages

My email had a notice I’ve a new follower. I appreciate that. I haven’t been here in some time because I felt as if I wasn’t possibly being useful to other people by this blog. Like, I wasn’t reaching my people…whomever those people may be. So I stopped writing here.

Having a new follower means the messages are still valid and are making a difference to someone. That makes me feel good.

I am currently writing a small book showing how colors matter to us much more than to just choose to wear this or that. They’re messengers, cheerleaders, and signs showing how we feel about life and how we navigate it.

The easiest way to take stock is to look at your wardrobe. If you really take the time to look, you may notice there are only certain colors in there. Or you may be one of those people who have a lot of colors in there. Whatever your color story, it’s in there and says a lot.

I’ve been reading people’s colors for years. From a random two color pick, to a five color questionnaire, to actual wardrobe readings…within each of these, I show people an aspect of their lives they’re speaking without even realizing it.

Because of this, I am writing a little book that shows some of what I see as a keeper of color knowledge. You’re welcome to inquire about it by messaging me at ( You’re also welcome to ask about getting your own personal color reading.

Whatever you are choosing, always choose you. Cheers.

We’re all broken

I think we’re all broken to some degree. Even if we do our best to be the perfect person, perfect parent, perfect friend, etc. The truth is, there is something inside that can only be filled by certain people.

It’s a space many of us keep hidden, tucked away, on the underside of the front we show others.

Every once in awhile, from time to time, someone brings light into that space. Either for a short time, like the handwritten HUGS I write, or for a lifetime, like finding the person who can completely fill that space and maybe you fill that space within them as well.

Share the love, sometimes it matters deeply.

Do you ev

Do you ever wonder if your faith is enough to keep out “trouble” or “bad” happenings? Do you use it as a shield? Or as a tool? Do you trust yourself?

I think, regardless of how much faith someone has, life happens. There is no completely “neat” life. Each of us will be, at some point, faced with something we may or may not be able to overcome. It’s part of the light and shadow, yin and yang, day and night, of life.

No matter how much faith you have or how many things you do right, life has a way of giving you a sort of “balance”. This is partly why I recommend a person look upon themselves often to evaluate their lives, make decisions based on what they know in the day the decision needs to be made, trust that they’re doing their best, no matter how it looks to anyone else. It is a good idea for oneself to check their balance and do what they can with it.

There is also the matter of some things that may not be overcome. The death of a loved one, a disease or ailment that can’t currently be overcome, a divorce, etc. While we had each have a faith as big as day, that faith won’t necessarily keep us from these things. Faith isn’t a perfect life, faith is a grounded life.

Some days, things go really, really right

Some days, things go really, really right…ah, the bliss!!

Yesterday I had one of those days. I finished crocheting a little project, created a little side fun piece, and then worked up my own new pattern for a gift later this year. I’m super happy with how all the crocheting worked out in the day.

My supplies came in for my skin salve/balm I make. I have tweaked the formula over the years, trying to find a combination that fits all of my requirements across the board. I think this newest batch fits them all and that makes me a very happy person.

Our son and his wife came by. We got to visit, have pizza, chat about the various things going on in our respective lives. It was a good thing.

The weather was nice for a time. I found myself wandering the yard with hubby…noticing the flowers growing…in January.

It was a day of bliss, most definitely. The whole space felt good, aligned, flowing nicely. I’d like more days like that and would like those days for you as well. Cheers.

Today is a new day

Today is a new day. What are you going to do with it? How are you going to make magic in your life today? Do you see the opportunity before you?

Every day is a new day to do something different, to start something new, to make a difference to yourself, to choose in a way you didn’t before.

It doesn’t matter how it was going the day before, week before, month or year ago. What matters is how you’ve set your mind and soul to rights and what you’re going to do with today.

So, go forth and make magic within your life…as only YOU can do. Cheers!

When you do the thing you feared….

When you do the thing you feared, you find, after going so far, that you’re still alive, still whole, and totally capable of accomplishing or BEing that thing you feared. Isn’t it amazing?!

Like this blog for instance. I feared showing both sides of myself to others at the same time because I wasn’t sure how it would be taken. I figured I’d get an immediate backlash of “you’re crazy, you’re hell bound”. That’s not to say that some people don’t think that, because some people probably do, but to say that the overwhelmingly awesome people here have been kind and find the posts useful even more so is a great feeling.

I think some take what they find useful and leave the rest. That’s quite alright and powerful indeed. It is what I speak of often. To be sure of oneself so completely, that it’s okay for another person to have their own surety in something different and both of you stand tall in that.

If someone needs assistance, sure, assist, but if someone else needs kindness and respect, that’s what shall be given.

You’ve got to Utilize

I was giving a fun fact in a group I’m in. The fact was “orange helps a person get to the goal of the project”. One lady’s response was, “Even if you don’t like the color?”

The color can’t help you if you don’t actually utilize it. This lady here can’t have orange be helpful if she doesn’t include it somewhere within her life, even if it’s just a pair of socks she wears on fun Saturdays.

This can be applied to a person’s faith, talent, or other self-awareness/improvement method going forward. If you’re not actually utilizing the idea or the belief or the talent or the need to be different, then you won’t actually get the aid you’re seeking. You won’t necessarily go forward in any of these ways.

You must take some sort of action to get results. Even if you stumble a time or two or twenty as you are doing the new thing and learning how to do it better, you must still take the action. Life needs a little more participation on your part sometimes.

Have you trusted God today?

It’s a good idea to take a moment in your day, morning, night, maybe a random need of a moment and remember what your faith means to you. Are you trusting God? That’s what faith is. It isn’t so much as the thought of Heaven or Hell or where you’re going when you die.

It’s about today and how you’re living and who your contributors are. If you have faith in God, he should be a considerate contributor. Are you having a daily moment with him? You should.