What if you’re already on the path of where you want to go?

Life is sometimes like baking a cake. I love making cakes from scratch and it’s one of the things I’m known for. Whenever we get together as a family or someone needs a food item, I usually get asked to make a Hummingbird Cake. You can look up the recipe on Pinterest if you like. It’s a really great cake.

It’s a well known cake over here, but not everyone makes it because it takes a bunch of little steps and comes out rather large. Over time, I look up various smaller versions of this cake as well as other cakes that have some of the same ingredients, like bananas.

What I made for Easter was a better kind of cake. It’s the cake I’ll make for my birthday in a few days. It’s got the bananas, pineapple, and cinnamon essential to a Hummingbird Cake. It’s also got an ingredient I have come to discover takes cakes up a notch. Magnificent!

So, what does all this talk about my perfect cake have to do with life? Well, sometimes we ask God for certain things, would like the manifestation of something important to us, and we get frustrated about not seeing it happen asap. We ask for signs, pray harder, cry for thinking we’re not being heard.

What if we’ve asked, God has heard, and it’s now “baking in the oven”? A Hummingbird Cake in particular takes almost a whole hour to bake. There are other cakes that take even longer. Most boxed mixes say a layer only needs 35 minutes to bake. In our impatience, we don’t take the time to realize there are various time frames “behind the scenes” for whatever it is we’re asking.

It may take the co-ordination of other people having ideas and shifts in their own life, an example would be to sell a house for you to consider buying. It may take a phone call from someone else to get a particular project going and the timing isn’t quite right, like that person finding you to request your services. There are lots of factors in some situations and that takes time to co-ordinate on multiple spiritual levels “behind the scenes” that you don’t see.

You know you can’t take a cake out of the oven until it’s done. You know taking it out sooner doesn’t give you a cake you can enjoy. Some cakes take longer to bake than others. Even after you DO bake the perfect cake, maybe you want icing on it, maybe even sprinkles. Now you have seen a step done (the cake) and have to wait longer to let it cool to put that icing on it (more waiting). Sigh. Yes. However, when all the various components come together (ingredients, baking, cooling, icing, even sprinkles), you’ve got a really awesome creation worthy to enjoy. Your full blessing has now arrived.

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